Common Myna’s Remarkable Appearance Is Hidden In Plain Sight

 In urban spaces across many Asian cities, the Common Myna has become such a fixture of daily life that its striking appearance often goes overlooked. With their rich chocolate-brown bodies contrasting against bright yellow patches around their eyes, bills, and legs, these birds possess a surprisingly sophisticated colour palette. Their heads are capped with glossy black feathers that shine with iridescent hints of blue and purple when caught in sunlight. Despite this distinctive coloration—which would surely make a visiting species the talk of any ornithological community—Mynas blend into the urban background, strutting confidently along sidewalks and parks.

Common Myna,

Common Myna,

Their ubiquity has rendered them nearly invisible to city dwellers who barely notice these bold, intelligent birds with their flashes of yellow against earth tones. This oversight is perhaps the ultimate testament to how thoroughly they've integrated into our human environments, their remarkable appearance hidden in plain sight.
