The Black-Winged Stilt

 The black-winged stilt (Himantopus himantopus) is a widely distributed, very long-legged wader. Males have a black back, often with a greenish gloss or sheen. Females' backs have a brownish hue, contrasting with the black tail. Immature birds are grey, instead of black, and have a markedly sandy hue on their wings.

The Black-Winged Stilt, birds of  delhi

The Black-Winged Stilt, birds of delhi

The Black-Winged Stilt, birds of delhi

The Black-Winged Stilt, birds of delhi

The Black-Winged Stilt, birds of delhi

The Black-Winged Stilt, birds of delhi

The Black-Winged Stilt, birds of delhi
