Indian Grey Hornbill Are Found in Pairs

 The Indian Grey Hornbill (Ocyceros birostris) is most commonly found hornbill on the Indian subcontinent. It is commonly sighted in pairs. It has grey feathers all over the body with a light grey or dull white belly. The horn is black or dark grey. It is one of the few hornbill species found also in urban areas.

I found this pair in Srirangapattana, near Mysore. They were just enjoying some fruits and one another’s company near a river.
Indian Grey Hornbill, Indian Bird photography, high resolution large images
Indian Gray Hornbill

Indian Grey Hornbill, Indian Bird photography, high resolution large images
Indian Gray Hornbill

Indian Grey Hornbill, Indian Bird photography, high resolution large images
Indian Grey Hornbill

Indian Grey Hornbill, Indian Bird photography, high resolution large images
Indian Grey Hornbill
