Oriental Magpie Robins Love Bathing

 Oriental magpie robin is the national bird of Bengladesh. It is quite confusing to identify them because adult males and female and juvenile male and young all look different. Adult Males are black and white, Adult females and grey and white. Juvenile once the male grows to be greyish black and white, the juvenile female remains more brownish colour with white. But the juvenile ones have scaly brown throat and upper part.

These love bathing. If you have a little water available in the garden, they gather to have a dip.

Oriental Magpie Robin juvenile female bird high resolution free
Oriental Magpie Robin juvenile female 

Oriental Magpie Robin juvenile female bird high resolution free
Oriental Magpie Robin juvenile female 

Oriental Magpie Robin juvenile female bird high resolution free
Oriental Magpie Robin juvenile female 

Oriental Magpie Robin juvenile female bird high resolution free
Oriental Magpie Robin juvenile female 
