My Tryst With Growing Orchids

I was mad after Orchids. I hunted for orchids all over India, and even abroad. Along with some special kinds of orchids, I had brought along world's biggest orchid from Thailand -the tiger orchid. Tiger orchids are huge in size; and the flower stalks also are equally big. 
Orchids naturally grow in places with humid climates in India. I bought good many varieties from Kerala. Some of course I got free from friends and friends of friends. Northeast India has some very unique orchids, I raided some nurseries and gardens there too. From Goa too I got some of them. Bangalore, the garden city of India has also places where they grow orchids. I not only got some orchids from there but also got a lot of pots, accessories, manure, and tips to grow orchids.  
As the numbers of orchids increased, I also explored new ways of potting them. I got quite many wooden pots made. Orchids needs pots with a lots of ventilation. The theory is that we must take care of their roots. When we water the orchids (preferably in the morning) we must drench the roots; and they must have enough ventilation to grow dry again.
Finally I had over 125 orchid plants. Our friary in Bangalore made a green house for orchids. They began to bloom. Once they bloom they remain for a long time like the leaves. It was October; and it was the feast of the patron of ecology, St. Francis of Assisi. In my memory, that was the time we had maximum flowers on the orchids. 
Orchids and caring for them brought a lot of joy and satisfaction to me. I do not regret that I spend so much time with orchids, I feel sad that I did not continue to care for them enough. now when I look at the archives of my computer, they are full of memories (photographs) of the golden era of my orchid passion. I am sure it will again reignite someday in my life.

Common Orchids of India, high resolution images free
Vanda orchid Purple

Common Orchids of India, high resolution images free
Phalaenopsis Orchid Dark Pink

Common Orchids of India, high resolution images free
Phalaenopsis Orchid White

Common Orchids of India, high resolution images free
Dendrobium Orchids white with pink lines

Common Orchids of India, high resolution images free
Decoration with Orchid plants

Common Orchids of India, high resolution images free
Phalaenopsis Orchid White

Common Orchids of India, high resolution images free
Dendrobium Orchids Purple

Common Orchids of India, high resolution images free
Dendrobium Orchids Orange

Common Orchids of India, high resolution images free
Cattleya Orchid Pink
Common Orchids of India, High resolution images free
Dendrobium Orchids dark pink

Common Orchids of India, High resolution images free
Dendrobium Orchids dark purple

Common Orchids of India, High resolution images free
Dendrobium Orchids maroon with lines

Common Orchids of India, high resolution images free
Dendrobium Orchids lean and maroon

Common Orchids of India, high resolution images free
Dendrobium Orchids light pink

Common Orchids of India, high resolution images free
Orchids in Green house

Common Orchids of India, high resolution images free
Dendrobium Orchids brown with lines

Common Orchids of India, high resolution images free
Dendrobium Orchids dark maroon

Common Orchids of India, high resolution images free
Dendrobium Orchids

Common Orchids of India, high resolution images free
Phalaenopsis Orchid milk white

Common Orchids of India, high resolution images free
Dendrobium Orchids dark pink

Common Orchids of India, high resolution images free
Dendrobium Orchids purple and yellow

Common Orchids of India, high resolution images free
Cattleya Orchid Purple

Common Orchids of India, high resolution images free
Bratonia Shelob Tolkien Orchid

Common Orchids of India, high resolution images free
Foxtail Orchid

Common Orchids of India, high resolution images free
White and Pick Orchid


  1. OMG u have some amazing orchid I love them I live in grenada 🇬🇩 I don't have much but would love to know more and see more pic if that's ok


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