Spotted Owlet and its Metaphorical Allusions

 WOW! Its an OWL, was my response as I spotted one as I made my watchful and enduring rounds of bird-watching. I saw one sitting in absolute stillness on a branch. I clicked its pictures. It looked at me. It flew to another tree, I followed, and there was its companion. I clicked pictures of both. Then they both flew, I followed again, we reached their hole in an old tree. I clicked pictures of their home too. They were calm and composed –as calm and composed as an owl.

Among the many metaphorical allusions to owls, I love the one of wisdom. Coming from the Greek mythology, owl was a companion of Athene, goddess of wisdom. An owl sat on her shoulder and revealed unseen truths to her. It lighted up her blind side, enabling her to speak the whole truth.

Spotted Owlets high resolution free
Spotted Owlets

Spotted Owlets high resolution free
Spotted Owlet

Spotted Owlets high resolution free
Spotted Owlet

Spotted Owlets high resolution free
Spotted Owlet

Spotted Owlets high resolution free
Spotted Owlets

Spotted Owlets high resolution free
Spotted Owlet

Spotted Owlets high resolution free
Spotted Owlet

Spotted Owlets high resolution free
Spotted Owlet

Spotted Owlets high resolution free
Spotted Owlet
