Birds Stitch and Stick Their Nests Together

 Humans use cement to build their houses; or the bricks don't stick one on top of another. Have you ever thought with what does birds stick together their tiny nests? I watched two birds, common tailorbird and red-whiskered bulbul gathering materials for stitching and sticking their nests.

Common tailorbird needs bent-in large leaves and stitch them up. They collect fiber from barks of smaller drying up soft branches and shrubs. They beautifully stitch leaves and inlay with feathers and cotton-kind materials to make cozy nest to hatch and breed.

Common Tailorbird gathering fiber

Nest of Common Tailorbird

Red-whiskered bulbuls make their ordinary looking nest between tiny branches of shrubs and creepers. They hunt for abandoned spider webs, especially abandoned spider colonies where there are plenty of cobwebs. They gather them in their beak and apply it to small pieces of twigs, leaves and fiber. They need to be strong enough to stand the weather.

Bulbul Collecting Cobwebs

Spider Colony 

Nest of Bulbul
